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簡易健康食譜 (方德芳提供)

Dear All,  Hope you are all well !

In this email, I just would like to share some cooking tips which is beneficial for health. It may not be new to people but to include in our daily diet, it sometimes can be quite challenge.

1. Eating BROWN RICE  ( to replace white rice), when cooking brown rice, just drop a few peanuts in the rice as well to add favour and also good in health wise. Good for people with diabetes or pre-diabetes, and in general, not gaining weight. 食用玄米代替白米。煮玄米時, 加入少許花生或其它口味亦可。適合糖尿病患或預防糖尿病。亦能減重。

2 Using HONEY in your cooking as sweetener to replace sugar particular refined sugar. Please remember to get the one show "100% pure honey". The darker color is the better. 烹飪時, 宜用「蜂蜜」代替糖或糖精。選擇百分百純蜜, 顏色愈深愈好。

I have used this recipe on my husband ( with diabetes ) and it works. 本人應用以上心得於患有糖尿病外子的身上, 非常見效!

Above all, exercise is crucial as well. 最重要的還是莫過於經常要運動!

for more details, please go to "google and search brown rice or honey then select WHFoods". WHFood stands for The world's healthiest food, this is a non-profit organisation to provide info. for heath concerns

欲知更多細節, 請參考古歌的玄米和蜂蜜的「世界健康食品」專文介紹。它是一個專門提供健康資訊的非營利組織。

Cheers.......Duc Phuong

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